Remembering Walt Daugherty

Journey into the Imagination... The World of Sci Fi... Continued...

Cover of the Count Dracula Society Quarterly
Photo of Fritz Leiber by Walt Daugherty

"War of the Worlds" Anniversary screening
Ann Robinson, 4E (in bkgd), George Pal,
Dr. Donald A. Reed
(Photo by WJD)

Walt made up as Dr. Hyde
at the Son of Ackermansion

Filming "The Return of the Frankenstein Monster"
at the LA Photo Center. Walt as the Blind Hermit.
Forry Ackerman as the Monster.

Makeup wizard Bill Tuttle
enhancing Walt's appearance.

Walt and friends

Early LASFS group pic
Top: Robert Heinlein, Jack Williamson, Forrest J Ackerman, Walt Daugherty, Charles Hornig.
Bottom: Russ Hodgkins, Art Barnes, E.E. Smith, Ed Hamilton, Franklyn Brady

Young Ray Harryhausen at work in his garage.
(Photo by Walt Daugherty)

C Copyright Mary Ellen Daugherty 2013

"Watch the Vulture" logo drawn for Walt by Ron Cobb
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