Remembering Walt Daugherty

"Watch the Vulture" (Robert Bloch) ...
"Watch the Vulture"
(Robert Bloch)
was the name for Walt's One-Man Photographic Exhibition of gothic photography which he did for various conventions. Author Robert Bloch came up with the title (Walt always put Bob's name next to the title, which I have continued to do), and designer Ron Cobb devised the clever logo. The last time "Watch the Vulture" was presented was at Westercon 61 in tribute to Walt. On this website that's been expanded to include samples of some of his other types of work, including his specialty, portraits.

A note to remember... The original exhibition photos here were created before digital cameras, computer editing or cgi. They sprang totally from the skill and imagination of the photographer enhanced by work in the darkroom. These pages do not do justice to the original prints, in all their amazing tonal range and detail. As the actual 16”x20” photos were too large to scan, the only method of copying for use here was to photograph them with a digital camera under far less than ideal conditions, often generating glare and other challenges. However, they do serve their purpose... to give you a taste of Walt's Watch the Vulture exhibit.

“Walt manages to capture on film the mood of the
Vampires better than the professional movie photographers at
the studios when we made the motion pictures. When
I want publicity pictures I call on him because
he is able to create exactly the right effect desired.”
– Carrol Borland
(Photo and text from Western Photographer Magazine 1966)

“I’ve waited fifteen years for the finest
pictures that have ever been made of me.
Gratefully, Boris Karloff”
(Karloff portrait by WJD autographed to him by Boris Karloff)

Westercon 61 (2008)
Final "Watch the Vulture" exhibit. Walt was surely there in spirit.
Also pictured are Mary Ellen and Alan White (who graciously arranged it all)

The Westercon 61 committee even invited
Walt to their wrap party.
C Copyright Mary Ellen Daugherty 2013

"Watch the Vulture" logo drawn for Walt by Ron Cobb
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